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Thursday, January 14, 2021

Green chiretta ( Kalo -megh)

why is this called Kalo -megh:

In Bangla, we call it "Kalo Megh"( ).you must be wondering what is this meaning. because it has its own and kinda weird name. why is this plant named this??/whenever we listen to this kinda name its normal to think like this. the real meaning of this name is still unknown. if we translate it in English then its gonna named black Hindu religion, this name is quite similar. if you are Hindu then you must know about it. this is about the war of Mahabharata. on that time the Pandav was there for marring dropati. on her marriage day, they lied about there identity. load Krishna and load Balram was also there by the relation of dropati's friend. everything was perfectly alright Pandav win that marriage competition. the got dropati. they took dropati to there mother Kunti Davi. the talk about there future. everything was just perfect as it had to be. but that was just the beginning of the fire. on that marriage competition, dristidhum was also present. he also tries to win the competition but not with the ability with the power of his father and the power of the kingdom. DRopati reject him and married Pandav. it just hurt dristydhum. so he started to spy then at the time dropati was talking to her mother-in-law. he goes to his father and tells him that Pandav has lied to them they have hidden their identity and participated to a marriage war. and they are thinking to attack the throne of Hastinapura. this is just starting of "Kalo Megh" we are gonna see strom in future (slok193\12)  .that's why its called Kalo-megh


Anaryatikta, Bhunimba, Bitter Stick, Bitterstick, Chiaravata, Chiraita, Chiratitka, Chirayta, Chiretta, Chirette, Chirette des Indes, Chirrato, East Indian Balmony, Genciana de la India, Gentiana chirata, Gentiana chirayita, Indian Bolonong, Indian Gentian, Kairata, Kirata, Qasabuzzarirah, Sekhagi, Swertia chirata, Swertia chirayita, Yin Du Zhang Ya Cai,kalo-megh.


its botanical name is Andrographis paniculata Nees and family Acanthaceae. The plant grows as an erect herb to a height of 30–110 cm (12–43 in) in moist, shady places. The slender stem is dark green, square in cross-section with longitudinal furrows and wings along with the angles. The lance-shaped leaves have hairless blades measuring up to 8 cm (3.1 in) long by 2.5 cm (0.98 in). The small flowers are pink, solitary, arranged in lax spreading racemes or panicles. The fruit is a capsule around 2 cm (0.79 in) long and a few millimetres wide. It contains many yellow-brown seeds. The seeds are subquadrate, rugose and glabrous. The flowering time is from September to December.

Traditional medicine

traditional medicine used for dissolution of kidney stones, sounds pretty much impossible right? but true green chiretta is one of the ingredients that used for all kidney medicine .people of our bloodline they had known about this many years ago then us. in our body main ground of all blood is the liver, what if our liver get sick or it got any problem that can't be fixed. our body will become a death grass without it. Green chiretta is the name of our all solution. this thing is well known and famous for our blood seals clears our blood from all kind kinds of germs and virus. it also maintains the juice of our liver. our liver juice can destroy a piece of iron easily. it's that much powerful. it helps us to continue our blood circulation .and maintain liver and pliha. 

How does it work?   

Chirata contains chemicals that may fight infections, but more information is needed.

why should we use Green chiretta

  • and many more.


there is no such a thing in this world which have no side effect. we can't help it. this is the universal truth. we all know excess is everything bad. medicine are also the helps us in many ways but also it harms us.Green chiretta also have some Side Effects & Safety

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Diabetes. Chirata might lower blood sugar levels in some people. Watch for signs of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and monitor your blood sugar carefully if you have diabetes and use chiretta as a medicine.
Intestinal (duodenal) ulcers: Chirata can make ulcers in the intestine worse.
Surgery. Chirata might lower blood sugar. In theory, chiretta might interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgical procedures. Stop using chiretta as a medicine at least two weeks before a scheduled surgery.
When Chirata is normally consumed as a flavouring agent in foods. But there isn't enough information available to know if chiretta is safe when used for any other purpose.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: There isn't enough reliable information to know if chiretta is safe to use when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.


The appropriate dose of chiretta for use as treatment depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for chiretta. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

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